Assault carbine fallout new vegas
Assault carbine fallout new vegas

assault carbine fallout new vegas

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  • Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does.
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  • The most common causes of this issue are: Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. 44 Magnum Revolver* ( Mysterious Magnum*)
  • Lilly's assault carbine may occasionally glitch and appear horizontal at the end of her Broad sword.
  • When switching companions, over to say Boone, they may get the gun they will also have infinite ammunition for it.
  • Occasionally, upon leaving casinos or other weapon restricted areas, Lily will not get her weapons back, meaning she will later only use unarmed attacks (Fists).
  • If the player obtains this weapon, it will not be possible to give this weapon back to Lily (or anyone else).
  • This weapon can only be obtained by using Console Commands.
  • assault carbine fallout new vegas assault carbine fallout new vegas

    It also works like a silenced weapon the player merely cannot see the silencer. It's hidden but if you fire with it, you will notice that the discharge sounds like a silenced weapon. But if the player obtains it, the suppressor will not be shown due to the '1st Person Model' being set to the normal assault carbine rather than NONE in the G.E.C.K. Lily's assault carbine has the appearance of a normal assault carbine with a suppressor mod.

    Assault carbine fallout new vegas